Table of Contents
- CommandResultInterface
- EventInterface
- FilterInterface
- MessageInterface
- RelayInterface
- RelaySetInterface
- RequestInterface
- SubscriptionInterface
- ConstraintInterface
- DO NOT IMPLEMENT this interface. It is only meant for usage as a type hint in libraries relying on composer/semver but creating your own constraint class that implements this interface is not a supported use case and will cause the composer/semver components to return unexpected results.
- EventEmitterInterface
- Parsable
- The Parsable interface describes classes that can be parsed from their binary DER representation.
- ProcessExecutor
- CpuCoreFinder
- DirectoryInterface
- ConfigInterface
- DifferInterface
- ConfigurableFixerInterface
- DeprecatedFixerInterface
- FixerInterface
- WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface
- DeprecatedFixerOptionInterface
- FixerConfigurationResolverInterface
- FixerOptionInterface
- CodeSampleInterface
- FixerDefinitionInterface
- VersionSpecificationInterface
- VersionSpecificCodeSampleInterface
- LinterInterface
- Interface for PHP code linting process manager.
- LintingResultInterface
- ParallelAwareConfigInterface
- DeprecatedRuleSetDescriptionInterface
- RuleSetInterface
- Set of rules to be used by fixer.
- StartEndTokenAwareAnalysis
- Filter
- Filter to apply to a property while copying an object
- Matcher
- TypeFilter
- Builder
- ErrorHandler
- FunctionLike
- Node
- NodeTraverserInterface
- NodeVisitor
- Parser
- PrettyPrinter
- Exception
- Requirement
- VersionConstraint
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- FinishedSubscriber
- StartedSubscriber
- Event
- AssertionFailedSubscriber
- AssertionSucceededSubscriber
- ComparatorRegisteredSubscriber
- AfterLastTestMethodCalledSubscriber
- AfterLastTestMethodFinishedSubscriber
- AfterTestMethodCalledSubscriber
- AfterTestMethodFinishedSubscriber
- BeforeFirstTestMethodCalledSubscriber
- BeforeFirstTestMethodErroredSubscriber
- BeforeFirstTestMethodFinishedSubscriber
- BeforeTestMethodCalledSubscriber
- BeforeTestMethodFinishedSubscriber
- PostConditionCalledSubscriber
- PostConditionFinishedSubscriber
- PreConditionCalledSubscriber
- PreConditionFinishedSubscriber
- ConsideredRiskySubscriber
- DeprecationTriggeredSubscriber
- ErrorTriggeredSubscriber
- NoticeTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpDeprecationTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpNoticeTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpunitDeprecationTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpunitErrorTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpunitWarningTriggeredSubscriber
- PhpWarningTriggeredSubscriber
- WarningTriggeredSubscriber
- DataProviderMethodCalledSubscriber
- DataProviderMethodFinishedSubscriber
- FinishedSubscriber
- PreparationFailedSubscriber
- PreparationStartedSubscriber
- PreparedSubscriber
- ErroredSubscriber
- FailedSubscriber
- MarkedIncompleteSubscriber
- PassedSubscriber
- SkippedSubscriber
- PrintedUnexpectedOutputSubscriber
- MockObjectCreatedSubscriber
- MockObjectForAbstractClassCreatedSubscriber
- MockObjectForIntersectionOfInterfacesCreatedSubscriber
- MockObjectForTraitCreatedSubscriber
- MockObjectFromWsdlCreatedSubscriber
- PartialMockObjectCreatedSubscriber
- TestProxyCreatedSubscriber
- TestStubCreatedSubscriber
- TestStubForIntersectionOfInterfacesCreatedSubscriber
- BootstrapFinishedSubscriber
- ConfiguredSubscriber
- DeprecationTriggeredSubscriber
- EventFacadeSealedSubscriber
- ExecutionAbortedSubscriber
- ExecutionFinishedSubscriber
- ExecutionStartedSubscriber
- ExtensionBootstrappedSubscriber
- ExtensionLoadedFromPharSubscriber
- FinishedSubscriber
- GarbageCollectionDisabledSubscriber
- GarbageCollectionEnabledSubscriber
- GarbageCollectionTriggeredSubscriber
- StartedSubscriber
- WarningTriggeredSubscriber
- FilteredSubscriber
- FinishedSubscriber
- LoadedSubscriber
- SkippedSubscriber
- SortedSubscriber
- StartedSubscriber
- Exception
- Subscriber
- Tracer
- Exception
- InvocationStubber
- MockObject
- Stub
- ParametersRule
- Test
- Exception
- Extension
- ConnectionLevelInterface
- WebSocket\Exception\ConnectionLevelInterface interface.
- MessageLevelInterface
- WebSocket\Exception\MessageLevelInterface interface.
- MiddlewareInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface interface.
- ProcessHttpIncomingInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessHttpIncomingInterface interface.
- ProcessHttpOutgoingInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessHttpOutgoingInterface interface.
- ProcessIncomingInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessIncomingInterface interface.
- ProcessOutgoingInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessOutgoingInterface interface.
- ProcessTickInterface
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessTickInterface interface.
- ContainerExceptionInterface
- Base interface representing a generic exception in a container.
- ContainerInterface
- Describes the interface of a container that exposes methods to read its entries.
- NotFoundExceptionInterface
- No entry was found in the container.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- Defines a dispatcher for events.
- ListenerProviderInterface
- Mapper from an event to the listeners that are applicable to that event.
- StoppableEventInterface
- An Event whose processing may be interrupted when the event has been handled.
- RequestFactoryInterface
- ResponseFactoryInterface
- ServerRequestFactoryInterface
- StreamFactoryInterface
- UploadedFileFactoryInterface
- UriFactoryInterface
- MessageInterface
- HTTP messages consist of requests from a client to a server and responses from a server to a client. This interface defines the methods common to each.
- RequestInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, client-side request.
- ResponseInterface
- Representation of an outgoing, server-side response.
- ServerRequestInterface
- Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request.
- StreamInterface
- Describes a data stream.
- UploadedFileInterface
- Value object representing a file uploaded through an HTTP request.
- UriInterface
- Value object representing a URI.
- LoggerAwareInterface
- Describes a logger-aware instance.
- LoggerInterface
- Describes a logger instance.
- CacheInterface
- ExecutorInterface
- ResolverInterface
- LoopInterface
- TimerInterface
- PromiseInterface
- ConnectionInterface
- Any incoming and outgoing connection is represented by this interface, such as a normal TCP/IP connection.
- ConnectorInterface
- The `ConnectorInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for establishing streaming connections, such as a normal TCP/IP connection.
- ServerInterface
- The `ServerInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for accepting incoming streaming connections, such as a normal TCP/IP connection.
- DuplexStreamInterface
- The `DuplexStreamInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for duplex streams (both readable and writable).
- ReadableStreamInterface
- The `ReadableStreamInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for read-only streams and the readable side of duplex streams.
- WritableStreamInterface
- The `WritableStreamInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for write-only streams and the writable side of duplex streams.
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- LongestCommonSubsequenceCalculator
- DiffOutputBuilderInterface
- Defines how an output builder should take a generated diff array and return a string representation of that diff.
- Exception
- Exception
- Exception
- SignalableCommandInterface
- Interface for command reacting to signal.
- CommandLoaderInterface
- CompletionOutputInterface
- Transforms the {@see CompletionSuggestions} object into output readable by the shell completion.
- DescriptorInterface
- Descriptor interface.
- ExceptionInterface
- ExceptionInterface.
- OutputFormatterInterface
- Formatter interface for console output.
- OutputFormatterStyleInterface
- Formatter style interface for defining styles.
- WrappableOutputFormatterInterface
- Formatter interface for console output that supports word wrapping.
- HelperInterface
- HelperInterface is the interface all helpers must implement.
- InputAwareInterface
- InputAwareInterface should be implemented by classes that depends on the Console Input.
- InputInterface
- InputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes.
- StreamableInputInterface
- StreamableInputInterface is the interface implemented by all input classes that have an input stream.
- ConsoleOutputInterface
- ConsoleOutputInterface is the interface implemented by ConsoleOutput class.
- OutputInterface
- OutputInterface is the interface implemented by all Output classes.
- StyleInterface
- Output style helpers.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- EventSubscriberInterface
- An EventSubscriber knows itself what events it is interested in.
- EventDispatcherInterface
- Allows providing hooks on domain-specific lifecycles by dispatching events.
- ExceptionInterface
- Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.
- IOExceptionInterface
- IOException interface for file and input/output stream related exceptions thrown by the component.
- ExceptionInterface
- Marker interface for all exceptions thrown by the OptionsResolver component.
- Options
- Contains resolved option values.
- Stringable
- ExceptionInterface
- Marker Interface for the Process Component.
- ResetInterface
- Provides a way to reset an object to its initial state.
- ServiceCollectionInterface
- A ServiceProviderInterface that is also countable and iterable.
- ServiceProviderInterface
- A ServiceProviderInterface exposes the identifiers and the types of services provided by a container.
- ServiceSubscriberInterface
- A ServiceSubscriber exposes its dependencies via the static {@link getSubscribedServices} method.
- ExceptionInterface
- InflectorInterface
- SluggerInterface
- Creates a URL-friendly slug from a given string.
- EcDHInterface
- This is the contract for implementing EcDH (EC Diffie Hellman).
- PrivateKeyInterface
- This is a contract for the PrivateKey portion of ECDSA.
- PublicKeyInterface
- This is the contract for the PublicKey portion of ECDSA.
- HasherInterface
- SignatureInterface
- This is the contract for describing a signature used in ECDSA.
- GmpMathInterface
- CurveFpInterface
- This is the contract for implementing CurveFp (EC prime finite-field).
- PointInterface
- This is the contract for implementing Point, which encapsulates entities and operations over the points on the Elliptic Curve. Implementations must be immutable.
- RandomNumberGeneratorInterface
- PointSerializerInterface
- PrivateKeySerializerInterface
- PublicKeySerializerInterface
- DerSignatureSerializerInterface
- Client
- Event
- Filter
- Key
- CloseMessage
- EventMessage
- RequestMessage
- CommandResult
- Relay
- RelaySet
- Request
- Sign
- Subscription
- ConvertTest
- GenerateTest
- RelaySetTest
- RelayTest
- RequestTest
- SerializeTest
- VerifyTest
- Bech32Exception
- InvalidAddresses
- ValidAddresses
- SegwitAddressTest
- TestCase
- ConvertBitsTest
- DecodeTest
- EncodeTest
- Util
- Decoder
- The Decoder / Parser reads from a plain stream and emits data objects for each JSON element
- Encoder
- The Encoder / Serializer can be used to write any value, encode it as a JSON text and forward it to an output stream
- ComposerAutoloaderInit9ae481325950240b18a53e364775815f
- ComposerStaticInit9ae481325950240b18a53e364775815f
- ClassLoader
- ClassLoader implements a PSR-0, PSR-4 and classmap class loader.
- InstalledVersions
- This class is copied in every Composer installed project and available to all
- MatchAllResult
- MatchAllStrictGroupsResult
- MatchAllWithOffsetsResult
- MatchResult
- MatchStrictGroupsResult
- MatchWithOffsetsResult
- PcreException
- Preg
- Regex
- ReplaceResult
- UnexpectedNullMatchException
- Comparator
- CompilingMatcher
- Helper class to evaluate constraint by compiling and reusing the code to evaluate
- Bound
- Constraint
- Defines a constraint.
- MatchAllConstraint
- Defines the absence of a constraint.
- MatchNoneConstraint
- Blackhole of constraints, nothing escapes it
- MultiConstraint
- Defines a conjunctive or disjunctive set of constraints.
- Interval
- Intervals
- Helper class generating intervals from constraints
- Semver
- VersionParser
- Version parser.
- PhpConfig
- Process
- Process utility functions
- XdebugHandler
- EventEmitter
- AbstractString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- AbstractTime
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- ASNObject
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Base128
- A base-128 decoder.
- AttributeTypeAndValue
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- RDNString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- RelativeDistinguishedName
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Construct
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- NotImplementedException
- ParserException
- ExplicitlyTaggedObject
- Class ExplicitlyTaggedObject decorate an inner object with an additional tag that gives information about its context specific meaning.
- Identifier
- The Identifier encodes the ASN.1 tag (class and number) of the type of a data value.
- TemplateParser
- BitString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- BMPString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Boolean
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- CharacterString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Enumerated
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- GeneralizedTime
- This ASN.1 universal type contains date and time information according to ISO 8601.
- GeneralString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- GraphicString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- IA5String
- The International Alphabet No.5 (IA5) references the encoding of the ASCII characters.
- Integer
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- NullObject
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- NumericString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- ObjectDescriptor
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- ObjectIdentifier
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- OctetString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- PrintableString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- RelativeObjectIdentifier
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Sequence
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Set
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- T61String
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- UniversalString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- UTCTime
- This ASN.1 universal type contains the calendar date and time.
- UTF8String
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- VisibleString
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- UnknownConstructedObject
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- UnknownObject
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- AlgorithmIdentifier
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- CertificateExtensions
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- CertificateSubject
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Attributes
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- PrivateKey
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- PublicKey
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- DNSName
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- IPAddress
- Class ASNObject is the base class for all concrete ASN.1 objects.
- SubjectAlternativeNames
- See section of ITU-T X.509.
- CpuCoreCounter
- Diagnoser
- Utility to debug.
- ProcOpenExecutor
- _NProcessorFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for Linux and the likes.
- CmiCmdletLogicalFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for Windows leveraging the Get-CimInstance cmdlet, which is a newer version that is recommended over Get-WmiObject.
- CmiCmdletPhysicalFinder
- Find the number of physical CPU cores for Windows.
- CpuInfoFinder
- Find the number of CPU cores looking up at the cpuinfo file which is available on Linux systems and Windows systems with a Linux sub-system.
- DummyCpuCoreFinder
- This finder returns whatever value you gave to it. This is useful for testing or as a fallback to avoid to catch the NumberOfCpuCoreNotFound exception.
- FinderRegistry
- HwLogicalFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for Linux, BSD and OSX.
- HwPhysicalFinder
- Find the number of physical CPU cores for Linux, BSD and OSX.
- LscpuLogicalFinder
- The number of logical cores.
- LscpuPhysicalFinder
- The number of physical processors.
- NProcessorFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for FreeSBD, Solaris and the likes.
- NProcFinder
- The number of (logical) cores.
- NullCpuCoreFinder
- This finder returns whatever value you gave to it. This is useful for testing.
- OnlyInPowerShellFinder
- OnlyOnOSFamilyFinder
- ProcOpenBasedFinder
- SkipOnOSFamilyFinder
- WindowsRegistryLogicalFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for Windows.
- WmicLogicalFinder
- Find the number of logical CPU cores for Windows.
- WmicPhysicalFinder
- Find the number of physical CPU cores for Windows.
- NumberOfCpuCoreNotFound
- AbstractNoUselessElseFixer
- Config
- NullDiffer
- UnifiedDiffer
- Annotation
- This represents an entire annotation from a docblock.
- DocBlock
- This class represents a docblock.
- Line
- This represents a line of a docblock.
- Tag
- This represents a tag, as defined by the proposed PSR PHPDoc standard.
- TagComparator
- This class is responsible for comparing tags to see if they should be kept together, or kept apart.
- Finder
- Finder allows to build rules to find files and directories.
- AbstractIncrementOperatorFixer
- ArrayPushFixer
- BacktickToShellExecFixer
- EregToPregFixer
- MbStrFunctionsFixer
- ModernizeStrposFixer
- NoAliasFunctionsFixer
- NoAliasLanguageConstructCallFixer
- NoMixedEchoPrintFixer
- PowToExponentiationFixer
- RandomApiMigrationFixer
- SetTypeToCastFixer
- ArraySyntaxFixer
- NoMultilineWhitespaceAroundDoubleArrowFixer
- NormalizeIndexBraceFixer
- NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineArrayFixer
- NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer
- ReturnToYieldFromFixer
- TrimArraySpacesFixer
- WhitespaceAfterCommaInArrayFixer
- YieldFromArrayToYieldsFixer
- AttributeEmptyParenthesesFixer
- OrderedAttributesFixer
- BracesFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.1, ¶4.4, ¶5.
- BracesPositionFixer
- CurlyBracesPositionFixer
- EncodingFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR1 ¶2.2.
- NoMultipleStatementsPerLineFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.3 Lines: There must not be more than one statement per line.
- NonPrintableCharacterFixer
- Removes Zero-width space (ZWSP), Non-breaking space (NBSP) and other invisible unicode symbols.
- NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineFixer
- NumericLiteralSeparatorFixer
- Let's you add underscores to numeric literals.
- OctalNotationFixer
- PsrAutoloadingFixer
- SingleLineEmptyBodyFixer
- ClassReferenceNameCasingFixer
- ConstantCaseFixer
- Fixer for constants case.
- IntegerLiteralCaseFixer
- LowercaseKeywordsFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.5.
- LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer
- MagicConstantCasingFixer
- MagicMethodCasingFixer
- NativeFunctionCasingFixer
- NativeFunctionTypeDeclarationCasingFixer
- NativeTypeDeclarationCasingFixer
- CastSpacesFixer
- LowercaseCastFixer
- ModernizeTypesCastingFixer
- NoShortBoolCastFixer
- NoUnsetCastFixer
- ShortScalarCastFixer
- ClassAttributesSeparationFixer
- Make sure there is one blank line above and below class elements.
- ClassDefinitionFixer
- Fixer for part of the rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.1 Extends and Implements and PSR12 ¶8. Anonymous Classes.
- FinalClassFixer
- FinalInternalClassFixer
- FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer
- NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer
- NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer
- NoPhp4ConstructorFixer
- NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer
- OrderedClassElementsFixer
- OrderedInterfacesFixer
- OrderedTraitsFixer
- OrderedTypesFixer
- PhpdocReadonlyClassCommentToKeywordFixer
- ProtectedToPrivateFixer
- SelfAccessorFixer
- SelfStaticAccessorFixer
- SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.2.
- SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer
- VisibilityRequiredFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.3, ¶4.5.
- DateTimeImmutableFixer
- CommentToPhpdocFixer
- HeaderCommentFixer
- MultilineCommentOpeningClosingFixer
- NoEmptyCommentFixer
- NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer
- SingleLineCommentSpacingFixer
- SingleLineCommentStyleFixer
- NativeConstantInvocationFixer
- ControlStructureBracesFixer
- ControlStructureContinuationPositionFixer
- ElseifFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶5.1.
- EmptyLoopBodyFixer
- EmptyLoopConditionFixer
- IncludeFixer
- NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer
- NoBreakCommentFixer
- Fixer for rule defined in PSR2 ¶5.2.
- NoSuperfluousElseifFixer
- NoTrailingCommaInListCallFixer
- NoUnneededBracesFixer
- NoUnneededControlParenthesesFixer
- NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer
- NoUselessElseFixer
- SimplifiedIfReturnFixer
- SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶5.2.
- SwitchCaseSpaceFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶5.2.
- SwitchContinueToBreakFixer
- TrailingCommaInMultilineFixer
- YodaStyleFixer
- DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer
- Forces the configured operator for assignment in arrays in Doctrine Annotations.
- DoctrineAnnotationBracesFixer
- Adds braces to Doctrine annotations when missing.
- DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer
- DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer
- Fixes spaces around commas and assignment operators in Doctrine annotations.
- CombineNestedDirnameFixer
- DateTimeCreateFromFormatCallFixer
- FopenFlagOrderFixer
- FopenFlagsFixer
- FunctionDeclarationFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 generally (¶1 and ¶6).
- FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer
- ImplodeCallFixer
- LambdaNotUsedImportFixer
- MethodArgumentSpaceFixer
- NativeFunctionInvocationFixer
- NoSpacesAfterFunctionNameFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.6.
- NoTrailingCommaInSinglelineFunctionCallFixer
- NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer
- NoUselessSprintfFixer
- NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer
- PhpdocToParamTypeFixer
- PhpdocToPropertyTypeFixer
- PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer
- RegularCallableCallFixer
- ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer
- SingleLineThrowFixer
- StaticLambdaFixer
- UseArrowFunctionsFixer
- VoidReturnFixer
- FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer
- GlobalNamespaceImportFixer
- GroupImportFixer
- NoLeadingImportSlashFixer
- NoUnneededImportAliasFixer
- NoUnusedImportsFixer
- OrderedImportsFixer
- SingleImportPerStatementFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶3.
- SingleLineAfterImportsFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶3.
- ClassKeywordFixer
- ClassKeywordRemoveFixer
- CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer
- CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer
- DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer
- DeclareParenthesesFixer
- DirConstantFixer
- ErrorSuppressionFixer
- ExplicitIndirectVariableFixer
- FunctionToConstantFixer
- GetClassToClassKeywordFixer
- IsNullFixer
- NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer
- NullableTypeDeclarationFixer
- SingleSpaceAfterConstructFixer
- SingleSpaceAroundConstructFixer
- ListSyntaxFixer
- BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶3.
- BlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer
- CleanNamespaceFixer
- NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer
- NoLeadingNamespaceWhitespaceFixer
- SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer
- NoHomoglyphNamesFixer
- AssignNullCoalescingToCoalesceEqualFixer
- BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer
- ConcatSpaceFixer
- IncrementStyleFixer
- LogicalOperatorsFixer
- LongToShorthandOperatorFixer
- NewWithBracesFixer
- NewWithParenthesesFixer
- NoSpaceAroundDoubleColonFixer
- NotOperatorWithSpaceFixer
- NotOperatorWithSuccessorSpaceFixer
- NoUselessConcatOperatorFixer
- NoUselessNullsafeOperatorFixer
- ObjectOperatorWithoutWhitespaceFixer
- OperatorLinebreakFixer
- StandardizeIncrementFixer
- StandardizeNotEqualsFixer
- TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer
- TernaryToElvisOperatorFixer
- TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer
- UnaryOperatorSpacesFixer
- AlignMultilineCommentFixer
- GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer
- GeneralPhpdocTagRenameFixer
- NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer
- NoEmptyPhpdocFixer
- NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer
- PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer
- PhpdocAlignFixer
- PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer
- PhpdocArrayTypeFixer
- PhpdocIndentFixer
- PhpdocInlineTagNormalizerFixer
- PhpdocLineSpanFixer
- PhpdocListTypeFixer
- PhpdocNoAccessFixer
- PhpdocNoAliasTagFixer
- Case-sensitive tag replace fixer (does not process inline tags like {@inheritdoc}).
- PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer
- PhpdocNoPackageFixer
- PhpdocNoUselessInheritdocFixer
- Remove inheritdoc tags from classy that does not inherit.
- PhpdocOrderByValueFixer
- PhpdocOrderFixer
- PhpdocParamOrderFixer
- PhpdocReturnSelfReferenceFixer
- PhpdocScalarFixer
- PhpdocSeparationFixer
- PhpdocSingleLineVarSpacingFixer
- Fixer for part of rule defined in PSR5 ¶7.22.
- PhpdocSummaryFixer
- PhpdocTagCasingFixer
- PhpdocTagTypeFixer
- PhpdocToCommentFixer
- PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer
- PhpdocTrimFixer
- PhpdocTypesFixer
- PhpdocTypesOrderFixer
- PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer
- PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer
- BlankLineAfterOpeningTagFixer
- EchoTagSyntaxFixer
- FullOpeningTagFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR1 ¶2.1.
- LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer
- NoClosingTagFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.2.
- PhpUnitAttributesFixer
- PhpUnitConstructFixer
- PhpUnitDataProviderNameFixer
- PhpUnitDataProviderReturnTypeFixer
- PhpUnitDataProviderStaticFixer
- PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer
- PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer
- PhpUnitExpectationFixer
- PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer
- PhpUnitInternalClassFixer
- PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer
- PhpUnitMockFixer
- PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer
- PhpUnitNamespacedFixer
- PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer
- PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer
- PhpUnitSizeClassFixer
- PhpUnitStrictFixer
- PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer
- PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer
- PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer
- NoUselessReturnFixer
- ReturnAssignmentFixer
- SimplifiedNullReturnFixer
- MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer
- NoEmptyStatementFixer
- NoSinglelineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer
- SemicolonAfterInstructionFixer
- SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer
- DeclareStrictTypesFixer
- StrictComparisonFixer
- StrictParamFixer
- EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer
- ExplicitStringVariableFixer
- HeredocClosingMarkerFixer
- HeredocToNowdocFixer
- MultilineStringToHeredocFixer
- NoBinaryStringFixer
- NoTrailingWhitespaceInStringFixer
- SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer
- SingleQuoteFixer
- StringImplicitBackslashesFixer
- StringLengthToEmptyFixer
- StringLineEndingFixer
- Fixes the line endings in multi-line strings.
- ArrayIndentationFixer
- BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer
- BlankLineBetweenImportGroupsFixer
- CompactNullableTypeDeclarationFixer
- CompactNullableTypehintFixer
- HeredocIndentationFixer
- IndentationTypeFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.4.
- LineEndingFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.2.
- MethodChainingIndentationFixer
- NoExtraBlankLinesFixer
- NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixer
- NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.3, ¶4.6, ¶5.
- NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶2.3.
- NoWhitespaceInBlankLineFixer
- SingleBlankLineAtEofFixer
- A file must always end with a line endings character.
- SpacesInsideParenthesesFixer
- Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 ¶4.3, ¶4.6, ¶5.
- StatementIndentationFixer
- TypeDeclarationSpacesFixer
- TypesSpacesFixer
- DeprecatedFixerOption
- FixerConfigurationResolver
- FixerOption
- FixerOptionBuilder
- CodeSample
- FixerDefinition
- VersionSpecification
- VersionSpecificCodeSample
- LintingException
- UnavailableLinterException
- Exception that is thrown when the chosen linter is not available on the environment.
- ParallelConfig
- ParallelConfigFactory
- Runner
- DataProviderAnalysis
- ControlCaseStructuresAnalyzer
- CT
- ImportProcessor
- Token
- Representation of single token.
- Tokens
- Collection of code tokens.
- WhitespacesFixerConfig
- DeepCopy
- CloneException
- PropertyException
- ChainableFilter
- Defines a decorator filter that will not stop the chain of filters.
- DoctrineCollectionFilter
- DoctrineEmptyCollectionFilter
- DoctrineProxyFilter
- KeepFilter
- ReplaceFilter
- SetNullFilter
- DoctrineProxyMatcher
- PropertyMatcher
- PropertyNameMatcher
- PropertyTypeMatcher
- Matches a property by its type.
- ReflectionHelper
- DateIntervalFilter
- ReplaceFilter
- ShallowCopyFilter
- ArrayObjectFilter
- In PHP 7.4 the storage of an ArrayObject isn't returned as ReflectionProperty. So we deep copy its array copy.
- SplDoublyLinkedList
- SplDoublyLinkedListFilter
- TypeMatcher
- Class_
- ClassConst
- Declaration
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- Function_
- FunctionLike
- Interface_
- Method
- Namespace_
- Param
- Property
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- TraitUseAdaptation
- Use_
- BuilderFactory
- Doc
- Comment
- ConstExprEvaluationException
- ConstExprEvaluator
- Evaluates constant expressions.
- Error
- Collecting
- Error handler that collects all errors into an array.
- Throwing
- Error handler that handles all errors by throwing them.
- JsonDecoder
- Emulative
- AttributeEmulator
- EnumTokenEmulator
- ExplicitOctalEmulator
- KeywordEmulator
- MatchTokenEmulator
- NullsafeTokenEmulator
- ReadonlyFunctionTokenEmulator
- ReadonlyTokenEmulator
- ReverseEmulator
- Reverses emulation direction of the inner emulator.
- Lexer
- Modifiers
- Modifiers used (as a bit mask) by various flags subnodes, for example on classes, functions, properties and constants.
- NameContext
- Arg
- ArrayItem
- Attribute
- AttributeGroup
- ClosureUse
- ComplexType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- Const_
- DeclareItem
- Array_
- ArrayDimFetch
- ArrowFunction
- Assign
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- Coalesce
- Concat
- Div
- Minus
- Mod
- Mul
- Plus
- Pow
- ShiftLeft
- ShiftRight
- AssignOp
- AssignRef
- BitwiseAnd
- BitwiseOr
- BitwiseXor
- BooleanAnd
- BooleanOr
- Coalesce
- Concat
- Div
- Equal
- Greater
- GreaterOrEqual
- Identical
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- Minus
- Mod
- Mul
- NotEqual
- NotIdentical
- Plus
- Pow
- ShiftLeft
- ShiftRight
- Smaller
- SmallerOrEqual
- Spaceship
- BinaryOp
- BitwiseNot
- BooleanNot
- CallLike
- Array_
- Bool_
- Double
- Int_
- Object_
- String_
- Unset_
- Cast
- ClassConstFetch
- Clone_
- Closure
- ConstFetch
- Empty_
- Error
- Error node used during parsing with error recovery.
- ErrorSuppress
- Eval_
- Exit_
- FuncCall
- Include_
- Instanceof_
- Isset_
- List_
- Match_
- MethodCall
- New_
- NullsafeMethodCall
- NullsafePropertyFetch
- PostDec
- PostInc
- PreDec
- PreInc
- Print_
- PropertyFetch
- ShellExec
- StaticCall
- StaticPropertyFetch
- Ternary
- Throw_
- UnaryMinus
- UnaryPlus
- Variable
- Yield_
- YieldFrom
- Expr
- Identifier
- Represents a non-namespaced name. Namespaced names are represented using Name nodes.
- InterpolatedStringPart
- IntersectionType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- MatchArm
- FullyQualified
- Relative
- Name
- NullableType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- Param
- PropertyItem
- Float_
- Int_
- InterpolatedString
- Class_
- Dir
- File
- Function_
- Line
- Method
- Namespace_
- Trait_
- MagicConst
- String_
- Scalar
- StaticVar
- Block
- Break_
- Case_
- Catch_
- Class_
- ClassConst
- ClassLike
- ClassMethod
- Const_
- Continue_
- Declare_
- Do_
- Echo_
- Else_
- ElseIf_
- Enum_
- EnumCase
- Expression
- Represents statements of type "expr;"
- Finally_
- For_
- Foreach_
- Function_
- Global_
- Goto_
- GroupUse
- HaltCompiler
- If_
- InlineHTML
- Interface_
- Label
- Namespace_
- Nop
- Nop/empty statement (;).
- Property
- Return_
- Static_
- Switch_
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- Alias
- Precedence
- TraitUseAdaptation
- TryCatch
- Unset_
- Use_
- While_
- Stmt
- UnionType
- This is a base class for complex types, including nullable types and union types.
- UseItem
- VariadicPlaceholder
- Represents the "..." in "foo(...)" of the first-class callable syntax.
- VarLikeIdentifier
- Represents a name that is written in source code with a leading dollar, but is not a proper variable. The leading dollar is not stored as part of the name.
- NodeAbstract
- NodeDumper
- NodeFinder
- NodeTraverser
- CloningVisitor
- Visitor cloning all nodes and linking to the original nodes using an attribute.
- CommentAnnotatingVisitor
- FindingVisitor
- This visitor can be used to find and collect all nodes satisfying some criterion determined by a filter callback.
- FirstFindingVisitor
- This visitor can be used to find the first node satisfying some criterion determined by a filter callback.
- NameResolver
- NodeConnectingVisitor
- Visitor that connects a child node to its parent node as well as its sibling nodes.
- ParentConnectingVisitor
- Visitor that connects a child node to its parent node.
- NodeVisitorAbstract
- Php7
- Php8
- ParserAbstract
- ParserFactory
- PhpVersion
- A PHP version, representing only the major and minor version components.
- Standard
- PrettyPrinterAbstract
- Token
- A PHP token. On PHP 8.0 this extends from PhpToken.
- ElementCollectionException
- InvalidApplicationNameException
- InvalidEmailException
- InvalidUrlException
- ManifestDocumentException
- ManifestDocumentLoadingException
- ManifestDocumentMapperException
- ManifestElementException
- ManifestLoaderException
- NoEmailAddressException
- ManifestDocumentMapper
- ManifestLoader
- ManifestSerializer
- Application
- ApplicationName
- Author
- AuthorCollection
- AuthorCollectionIterator
- BundledComponent
- BundledComponentCollection
- BundledComponentCollectionIterator
- CopyrightInformation
- Extension
- Library
- License
- Manifest
- PhpExtensionRequirement
- PhpVersionRequirement
- RequirementCollection
- RequirementCollectionIterator
- Type
- Url
- AuthorElement
- AuthorElementCollection
- BundlesElement
- ComponentElement
- ComponentElementCollection
- ContainsElement
- CopyrightElement
- ElementCollection
- ExtElement
- ExtElementCollection
- ExtensionElement
- LicenseElement
- ManifestDocument
- ManifestElement
- PhpElement
- RequiresElement
- PhpdocSingleLineVarFixer
- Main implementation taken from kubawerlos/php-cs-fixer-customere-fixers Copyright (c) 2018 Kuba Werłos
- BuildMetaData
- AbstractVersionConstraint
- AndVersionConstraintGroup
- AnyVersionConstraint
- ExactVersionConstraint
- GreaterThanOrEqualToVersionConstraint
- OrVersionConstraintGroup
- SpecificMajorAndMinorVersionConstraint
- SpecificMajorVersionConstraint
- InvalidPreReleaseSuffixException
- InvalidVersionException
- NoBuildMetaDataException
- NoPreReleaseSuffixException
- UnsupportedVersionConstraintException
- PreReleaseSuffix
- Version
- VersionConstraintParser
- VersionConstraintValue
- VersionNumber
- CodeCoverage
- Provides collection functionality for PHP code coverage information.
- Selector
- BranchAndPathCoverageNotSupportedException
- DeadCodeDetectionNotSupportedException
- DirectoryCouldNotBeCreatedException
- FileCouldNotBeWrittenException
- InvalidArgumentException
- NoCodeCoverageDriverAvailableException
- NoCodeCoverageDriverWithPathCoverageSupportAvailableException
- ParserException
- PathExistsButIsNotDirectoryException
- PcovNotAvailableException
- ReflectionException
- ReportAlreadyFinalizedException
- StaticAnalysisCacheNotConfiguredException
- TestIdMissingException
- UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException
- WriteOperationFailedException
- XdebugNotAvailableException
- XdebugNotEnabledException
- XmlException
- Filter
- Clover
- Cobertura
- Crap4j
- Colors
- CustomCssFile
- Facade
- Text
- Thresholds
- Facade
- CacheWarmer
- Known
- Large
- Medium
- Small
- TestSize
- Unknown
- Failure
- Known
- Success
- TestStatus
- Unknown
- Version
- Facade
- ProcessControlExtensionNotLoadedException
- TimeoutException
- Invoker
- InvalidArgumentException
- RuntimeException
- Template
- Duration
- NoActiveTimerException
- TimeSinceStartOfRequestNotAvailableException
- ResourceUsageFormatter
- Timer
- Finished
- Started
- EventCollection
- EventCollectionIterator
- AssertionFailed
- AssertionSucceeded
- ComparatorRegistered
- AfterLastTestMethodCalled
- AfterLastTestMethodFinished
- AfterTestMethodCalled
- AfterTestMethodFinished
- BeforeFirstTestMethodCalled
- BeforeFirstTestMethodErrored
- BeforeFirstTestMethodFinished
- BeforeTestMethodCalled
- BeforeTestMethodFinished
- PostConditionCalled
- PostConditionFinished
- PreConditionCalled
- PreConditionFinished
- ConsideredRisky
- DeprecationTriggered
- ErrorTriggered
- NoticeTriggered
- PhpDeprecationTriggered
- PhpNoticeTriggered
- PhpunitDeprecationTriggered
- PhpunitErrorTriggered
- PhpunitWarningTriggered
- PhpWarningTriggered
- WarningTriggered
- DataProviderMethodCalled
- DataProviderMethodFinished
- Finished
- PreparationFailed
- PreparationStarted
- Prepared
- Errored
- Failed
- MarkedIncomplete
- Passed
- Skipped
- PrintedUnexpectedOutput
- MockObjectCreated
- MockObjectForAbstractClassCreated
- MockObjectForIntersectionOfInterfacesCreated
- MockObjectForTraitCreated
- MockObjectFromWsdlCreated
- PartialMockObjectCreated
- TestProxyCreated
- TestStubCreated
- TestStubForIntersectionOfInterfacesCreated
- BootstrapFinished
- Configured
- DeprecationTriggered
- EventFacadeSealed
- ExecutionAborted
- ExecutionFinished
- ExecutionStarted
- ExtensionBootstrapped
- ExtensionLoadedFromPhar
- Finished
- GarbageCollectionDisabled
- GarbageCollectionEnabled
- GarbageCollectionTriggered
- Started
- WarningTriggered
- Filtered
- Finished
- Loaded
- Skipped
- Sorted
- Started
- EventAlreadyAssignedException
- EventFacadeIsSealedException
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidEventException
- InvalidSubscriberException
- MapError
- MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException
- NoComparisonFailureException
- NoDataSetFromDataProviderException
- NoPreviousThrowableException
- RuntimeException
- SubscriberTypeAlreadyRegisteredException
- UnknownEventException
- UnknownEventTypeException
- UnknownSubscriberException
- UnknownSubscriberTypeException
- ClassMethod
- ComparisonFailure
- OperatingSystem
- PHPUnit
- Runtime
- Duration
- GarbageCollectorStatus
- HRTime
- Info
- MemoryUsage
- Snapshot
- Phpt
- Test
- TestCollection
- TestCollectionIterator
- DataFromDataProvider
- DataFromTestDependency
- TestData
- TestDataCollection
- TestDataCollectionIterator
- TestDox
- TestMethod
- TestSuite
- TestSuiteForTestClass
- TestSuiteForTestMethodWithDataProvider
- TestSuiteWithName
- Throwable
- Assert
- After
- AfterClass
- BackupGlobals
- BackupStaticProperties
- Before
- BeforeClass
- CodeCoverageIgnore
- CoversClass
- CoversFunction
- CoversNothing
- DataProvider
- DataProviderExternal
- Depends
- DependsExternal
- DependsExternalUsingDeepClone
- DependsExternalUsingShallowClone
- DependsOnClass
- DependsOnClassUsingDeepClone
- DependsOnClassUsingShallowClone
- DependsUsingDeepClone
- DependsUsingShallowClone
- DoesNotPerformAssertions
- ExcludeGlobalVariableFromBackup
- ExcludeStaticPropertyFromBackup
- Group
- IgnoreClassForCodeCoverage
- IgnoreDeprecations
- IgnoreFunctionForCodeCoverage
- IgnoreMethodForCodeCoverage
- Large
- Medium
- PostCondition
- PreCondition
- PreserveGlobalState
- RequiresFunction
- RequiresMethod
- RequiresOperatingSystem
- RequiresOperatingSystemFamily
- RequiresPhp
- RequiresPhpExtension
- RequiresPhpunit
- RequiresSetting
- RunClassInSeparateProcess
- RunInSeparateProcess
- RunTestsInSeparateProcesses
- Small
- Test
- TestDox
- TestWith
- TestWithJson
- Ticket
- UsesClass
- UsesFunction
- WithoutErrorHandler
- IsFalse
- IsTrue
- Callback
- Count
- GreaterThan
- IsEmpty
- LessThan
- SameSize
- Constraint
- IsEqual
- IsEqualCanonicalizing
- IsEqualIgnoringCase
- IsEqualWithDelta
- DirectoryExists
- FileExists
- IsReadable
- IsWritable
- IsAnything
- IsIdentical
- JsonMatches
- IsFinite
- IsInfinite
- IsNan
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectHasProperty
- BinaryOperator
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalNot
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- Operator
- UnaryOperator
- IsJson
- RegularExpression
- StringContains
- StringEndsWith
- StringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndings
- StringMatchesFormatDescription
- StringStartsWith
- ArrayHasKey
- IsList
- TraversableContains
- TraversableContainsEqual
- TraversableContainsIdentical
- TraversableContainsOnly
- IsInstanceOf
- IsNull
- IsType
- NeverReturningMethodException
- MockBuilder
- InvocationMocker
- TestCase
- After
- AfterClass
- BackupGlobals
- BackupStaticProperties
- Before
- BeforeClass
- Covers
- CoversClass
- CoversDefaultClass
- CoversFunction
- CoversNothing
- DataProvider
- DependsOnClass
- DependsOnMethod
- DoesNotPerformAssertions
- InvalidVersionRequirementException
- NoVersionRequirementException
- ExcludeGlobalVariableFromBackup
- ExcludeStaticPropertyFromBackup
- Group
- IgnoreClassForCodeCoverage
- IgnoreDeprecations
- IgnoreFunctionForCodeCoverage
- IgnoreMethodForCodeCoverage
- Metadata
- MetadataCollection
- MetadataCollectionIterator
- PostCondition
- PreCondition
- PreserveGlobalState
- RequiresFunction
- RequiresMethod
- RequiresOperatingSystem
- RequiresOperatingSystemFamily
- RequiresPhp
- RequiresPhpExtension
- RequiresPhpunit
- RequiresSetting
- RunClassInSeparateProcess
- RunInSeparateProcess
- RunTestsInSeparateProcesses
- Test
- TestDox
- TestWith
- Uses
- UsesClass
- UsesDefaultClass
- UsesFunction
- ComparisonRequirement
- ConstraintRequirement
- Requirement
- WithoutErrorHandler
- Facade
- ParameterCollection
- Version
- Builder
- Configuration
- Constant
- ConstantCollection
- ConstantCollectionIterator
- Directory
- DirectoryCollection
- DirectoryCollectionIterator
- ExtensionBootstrap
- ExtensionBootstrapCollection
- ExtensionBootstrapCollectionIterator
- File
- FileCollection
- FileCollectionIterator
- FilterDirectory
- FilterDirectoryCollection
- FilterDirectoryCollectionIterator
- Group
- GroupCollection
- GroupCollectionIterator
- IniSetting
- IniSettingCollection
- IniSettingCollectionIterator
- Php
- Source
- TestDirectory
- TestDirectoryCollection
- TestDirectoryCollectionIterator
- TestFile
- TestFileCollection
- TestFileCollectionIterator
- TestSuite
- TestSuiteCollection
- TestSuiteCollectionIterator
- Variable
- VariableCollection
- VariableCollectionIterator
- UnexpectedOutputPrinter
- ExcludeList
- VersionComparisonOperator
- SocketClient
- Phrity\Net\SocketClient class.
- SocketServer
- Phrity\Net\SocketServer class.
- SocketStream
- Phrity\Net\SocketStream class.
- Stream
- Phrity\Net\Stream class.
- StreamCollection
- Phrity\Net\StreamCollection class.
- StreamException
- Phrity\Net\StreamException class.
- StreamFactory
- Phrity\Net\StreamFactory class.
- Client
- WebSocket\Client class.
- Connection
- WebSocket\Connection class.
- BadOpcodeException
- WebSocket\Exception\BadOpcodeException class.
- BadUriException
- WebSocket\Exception\BadUriException class.
- ClientException
- WebSocket\Exception\ClientException class.
- CloseException
- WebSocket\Exception\CloseException class.
- ConnectionClosedException
- WebSocket\Exception\ConnectionClosedException class.
- ConnectionFailureException
- WebSocket\Exception\ConnectionFailureException class.
- ConnectionTimeoutException
- WebSocket\Exception\ConnectionTimeoutException class.
- Exception
- WebSocket\Exception\Exception abstract class.
- HandshakeException
- WebSocket\Exception\HandshakeException class.
- ReconnectException
- WebSocket\Exception\ReconnectException class.
- ServerException
- WebSocket\Exception\ServerException class.
- Frame
- WebSocket\Frame\Frame class.
- FrameHandler
- WebSocket\Frame\FrameHandler class.
- HttpHandler
- WebSocket\Http\HttpHandler class.
- Message
- Phrity\WebSocket\Http\Message class.
- Request
- WebSocket\Http\Request class.
- Response
- Phrity\WebSocket\Http\Response class.
- ServerRequest
- WebSocket\Http\ServerRequest class.
- Binary
- WebSocket\Message\Binary class.
- Close
- WebSocket\Message\Close class.
- Message
- WebSocket\Message\Message class.
- MessageHandler
- WebSocket\Message\MessageHandler class.
- Ping
- WebSocket\Message\Ping class.
- Pong
- WebSocket\Message\Pong class.
- Text
- WebSocket\Message\Text class.
- Callback
- WebSocket\Middleware\Callback class.
- CloseHandler
- WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler class.
- FollowRedirect
- WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler class.
- MiddlewareHandler
- WebSocket\Middleware\MiddlewareHandler class.
- PingInterval
- WebSocket\Middleware\PingInterval class.
- PingResponder
- WebSocket\Middleware\PingResponder class.
- ProcessHttpStack
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessHttpStack class.
- ProcessStack
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessStack class.
- ProcessTickStack
- WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessTickStack class.
- SubprotocolNegotiation
- WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler class.
- Server
- WebSocket\Server class.
- AbstractLogger
- This is a simple Logger implementation that other Loggers can inherit from.
- InvalidArgumentException
- LogLevel
- Describes log levels.
- NullLogger
- This Logger can be used to avoid conditional log calls.
- ArrayCache
- Process
- Process component.
- BadServerException
- Config
- HostsFile
- Represents a static hosts file which maps hostnames to IPs
- Message
- This class represents an outgoing query message or an incoming response message
- Record
- This class represents a single resulting record in a response message
- BinaryDumper
- Parser
- DNS protocol parser
- CachingExecutor
- CancellationException
- CoopExecutor
- Cooperatively resolves hosts via the given base executor to ensure same query is not run concurrently
- FallbackExecutor
- HostsFileExecutor
- Resolves hosts from the given HostsFile or falls back to another executor
- Query
- This class represents a single question in a query/response message
- RetryExecutor
- SelectiveTransportExecutor
- Send DNS queries over a UDP or TCP/IP stream transport.
- TcpTransportExecutor
- Send DNS queries over a TCP/IP stream transport.
- TimeoutException
- TimeoutExecutor
- UdpTransportExecutor
- Send DNS queries over a UDP transport.
- RecordNotFoundException
- Factory
- Resolver
- ExtEventLoop
- An `ext-event` based event loop.
- ExtEvLoop
- An `ext-ev` based event loop.
- ExtLibeventLoop
- [Deprecated] An `ext-libevent` based event loop.
- ExtLibevLoop
- [Deprecated] An `ext-libev` based event loop.
- ExtUvLoop
- An `ext-uv` based event loop.
- Factory
- [Deprecated] The `Factory` class exists as a convenient way to pick the best available event loop implementation.
- Loop
- The `Loop` class exists as a convenient way to get the currently relevant loop
- StreamSelectLoop
- A `stream_select()` based event loop.
- Deferred
- CompositeException
- Represents an exception that is a composite of one or more other exceptions.
- LengthException
- Promise
- Connector
- The `Connector` class is the main class in this package that implements the `ConnectorInterface` and allows you to create streaming connections.
- DnsConnector
- FixedUriConnector
- Decorates an existing Connector to always use a fixed, preconfigured URI
- HappyEyeBallsConnector
- LimitingServer
- The `LimitingServer` decorator wraps a given `ServerInterface` and is responsible for limiting and keeping track of open connections to this server instance.
- SecureConnector
- SecureServer
- The `SecureServer` class implements the `ServerInterface` and is responsible for providing a secure TLS (formerly known as SSL) server.
- Server
- SocketServer
- TcpConnector
- TcpServer
- The `TcpServer` class implements the `ServerInterface` and is responsible for accepting plaintext TCP/IP connections.
- TimeoutConnector
- UnixConnector
- Unix domain socket connector
- UnixServer
- The `UnixServer` class implements the `ServerInterface` and is responsible for accepting plaintext connections on unix domain sockets.
- CompositeStream
- DuplexResourceStream
- ReadableResourceStream
- ThroughStream
- The `ThroughStream` implements the [`DuplexStreamInterface`](#duplexstreaminterface) and will simply pass any data you write to it through to its readable end.
- Util
- WritableResourceStream
- AmbiguousOptionException
- OptionDoesNotAllowArgumentException
- RequiredOptionArgumentMissingException
- UnknownOptionException
- Parser
- ClassMethodUnit
- ClassUnit
- CodeUnit
- CodeUnitCollection
- CodeUnitCollectionIterator
- InvalidCodeUnitException
- NoTraitException
- ReflectionException
- FileUnit
- FunctionUnit
- InterfaceMethodUnit
- InterfaceUnit
- Mapper
- TraitMethodUnit
- TraitUnit
- Wizard
- ArrayComparator
- Arrays are equal if they contain the same key-value pairs.
- Comparator
- ComparisonFailure
- DateTimeComparator
- Arrays are equal if they contain the same key-value pairs.
- DOMNodeComparator
- Arrays are equal if they contain the same key-value pairs.
- ExceptionComparator
- Compares Exception instances for equality.
- RuntimeException
- Factory
- MockObjectComparator
- Compares PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject instances for equality.
- NumericComparator
- Compares scalar or NULL values for equality.
- ObjectComparator
- Arrays are equal if they contain the same key-value pairs.
- ResourceComparator
- ScalarComparator
- Compares scalar or NULL values for equality.
- SplObjectStorageComparator
- TypeComparator
- Calculator
- Complexity
- ComplexityCollection
- ComplexityCollectionIterator
- RuntimeException
- ComplexityCalculatingVisitor
- CyclomaticComplexityCalculatingVisitor
- Chunk
- Diff
- Differ
- ConfigurationException
- InvalidArgumentException
- Line
- MemoryEfficientLongestCommonSubsequenceCalculator
- AbstractChunkOutputBuilder
- DiffOnlyOutputBuilder
- Builds a diff string representation in a loose unified diff format listing only changes lines. Does not include line numbers.
- StrictUnifiedDiffOutputBuilder
- Strict Unified diff output builder.
- UnifiedDiffOutputBuilder
- Builds a diff string representation in unified diff format in chunks.
- Parser
- Unified diff parser.
- TimeEfficientLongestCommonSubsequenceCalculator
- Console
- Runtime
- Exporter
- CodeExporter
- RuntimeException
- ExcludeList
- Restorer
- Snapshot
- A snapshot of global state.
- Counter
- IllogicalValuesException
- NegativeValueException
- RuntimeException
- LineCountingVisitor
- LinesOfCode
- Enumerator
- ObjectReflector
- Context
- RuntimeException
- Parameter
- ReflectionMapper
- CallableType
- FalseType
- GenericObjectType
- IntersectionType
- IterableType
- MixedType
- NeverType
- NullType
- ObjectType
- SimpleType
- StaticType
- TrueType
- Type
- UnionType
- UnknownType
- VoidType
- TypeName
- Version
- BigInteger
- BN
- Red
- EllipticBench
- Point
- BaseCurve
- Point
- EdwardsCurve
- Point
- MontCurve
- PresetCurve
- JPoint
- Point
- ShortCurve
- Curves
- KeyPair
- Signature
- EC
- KeyPair
- Signature
- HmacDRBG
- Utils
- ApiTest
- CurveTest
- ECDHTest
- ED25519Test
- HmacDRBGTest
- PointCodecTest
- Application
- An Application is the container for a collection of commands.
- AsCommand
- Service tag to autoconfigure commands.
- GithubActionReporter
- Utility class for Github actions.
- Color
- Command
- Base class for all commands.
- CompleteCommand
- Responsible for providing the values to the shell completion.
- DumpCompletionCommand
- Dumps the completion script for the current shell.
- HelpCommand
- HelpCommand displays the help for a given command.
- LazyCommand
- Base class for all commands.
- ListCommand
- ListCommand displays the list of all available commands for the application.
- ContainerCommandLoader
- Loads commands from a PSR-11 container.
- FactoryCommandLoader
- A simple command loader using factories to instantiate commands lazily.
- CompletionInput
- An input specialized for shell completion.
- CompletionSuggestions
- Stores all completion suggestions for the current input.
- BashCompletionOutput
- FishCompletionOutput
- ZshCompletionOutput
- Suggestion
- Represents a single suggested value.
- ConsoleEvents
- Contains all events dispatched by an Application.
- Cursor
- AddConsoleCommandPass
- Registers console commands.
- ReStructuredTextDescriptor
- ConsoleCommandEvent
- Allows to do things before the command is executed, like skipping the command or executing code before the command is going to be executed.
- ConsoleErrorEvent
- Allows to handle throwables thrown while running a command.
- ConsoleEvent
- Allows to inspect input and output of a command.
- ConsoleSignalEvent
- Allows to inspect input and output of a command.
- ConsoleTerminateEvent
- Allows to manipulate the exit code of a command after its execution.
- ErrorListener
- CommandNotFoundException
- Represents an incorrect command name typed in the console.
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidOptionException
- Represents an incorrect option name or value typed in the console.
- LogicException
- MissingInputException
- Represents failure to read input from stdin.
- NamespaceNotFoundException
- Represents an incorrect namespace typed in the console.
- RunCommandFailedException
- RuntimeException
- NullOutputFormatter
- NullOutputFormatterStyle
- OutputFormatter
- Formatter class for console output.
- OutputFormatterStyle
- Formatter style class for defining styles.
- OutputFormatterStyleStack
- DebugFormatterHelper
- Helps outputting debug information when running an external program from a command.
- DescriptorHelper
- This class adds helper method to describe objects in various formats.
- Dumper
- FormatterHelper
- The Formatter class provides helpers to format messages.
- Helper
- Helper is the base class for all helper classes.
- HelperSet
- HelperSet represents a set of helpers to be used with a command.
- InputAwareHelper
- An implementation of InputAwareInterface for Helpers.
- OutputWrapper
- Simple output wrapper for "tagged outputs" instead of wordwrap(). This solution is based on a StackOverflow answer: from user557597 (alias SLN).
- ProcessHelper
- The ProcessHelper class provides helpers to run external processes.
- ProgressBar
- The ProgressBar provides helpers to display progress output.
- ProgressIndicator
- QuestionHelper
- The QuestionHelper class provides helpers to interact with the user.
- SymfonyQuestionHelper
- Symfony Style Guide compliant question helper.
- Table
- Provides helpers to display a table.
- TableCell
- TableCellStyle
- TableSeparator
- Marks a row as being a separator.
- TableStyle
- Defines the styles for a Table.
- ArgvInput
- ArgvInput represents an input coming from the CLI arguments.
- ArrayInput
- ArrayInput represents an input provided as an array.
- Input
- Input is the base class for all concrete Input classes.
- InputArgument
- Represents a command line argument.
- InputDefinition
- A InputDefinition represents a set of valid command line arguments and options.
- InputOption
- Represents a command line option.
- StringInput
- StringInput represents an input provided as a string.
- ConsoleLogger
- PSR-3 compliant console logger.
- RunCommandContext
- RunCommandMessage
- RunCommandMessageHandler
- BufferedOutput
- Base class for output classes.
- ConsoleOutput
- ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR.
- ConsoleSectionOutput
- StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream.
- NullOutput
- NullOutput suppresses all output.
- Output
- Base class for output classes.
- StreamOutput
- StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream.
- TrimmedBufferOutput
- A BufferedOutput that keeps only the last N chars.
- ChoiceQuestion
- Represents a choice question.
- ConfirmationQuestion
- Represents a yes/no question.
- Question
- Represents a Question.
- SignalMap
- SignalRegistry
- SingleCommandApplication
- Base class for all commands.
- OutputStyle
- Decorates output to add console style guide helpers.
- SymfonyStyle
- Output decorator helpers for the Symfony Style Guide.
- Terminal
- ApplicationTester
- Eases the testing of console applications.
- CommandCompletionTester
- Eases the testing of command completion.
- CommandTester
- Eases the testing of console commands.
- CommandIsSuccessful
- AsEventListener
- Service tag to autoconfigure event listeners.
- TraceableEventDispatcher
- Collects some data about event listeners.
- WrappedListener
- AddEventAliasesPass
- This pass allows bundles to extend the list of event aliases.
- RegisterListenersPass
- Compiler pass to register tagged services for an event dispatcher.
- EventDispatcher
- The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system.
- GenericEvent
- Event encapsulation class.
- ImmutableEventDispatcher
- A read-only proxy for an event dispatcher.
- Event
- Event is the base class for classes containing event data.
- FileNotFoundException
- Exception class thrown when a file couldn't be found.
- InvalidArgumentException
- IOException
- Exception class thrown when a filesystem operation failure happens.
- RuntimeException
- Filesystem
- Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.
- Path
- Contains utility methods for handling path strings.
- Comparator
- DateComparator
- DateCompare compiles date comparisons.
- NumberComparator
- NumberComparator compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine, which you can call with a value to be tested again.
- AccessDeniedException
- DirectoryNotFoundException
- Finder
- Finder allows to build rules to find files and directories.
- Gitignore
- Gitignore matches against text.
- Glob
- Glob matches globbing patterns against text.
- CustomFilterIterator
- CustomFilterIterator filters files by applying anonymous functions.
- DateRangeFilterIterator
- DateRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given date range (last modified dates).
- DepthRangeFilterIterator
- DepthRangeFilterIterator limits the directory depth.
- ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator
- ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator filters out directories.
- FilecontentFilterIterator
- FilecontentFilterIterator filters files by their contents using patterns (regexps or strings).
- FilenameFilterIterator
- FilenameFilterIterator filters files by patterns (a regexp, a glob, or a string).
- FileTypeFilterIterator
- FileTypeFilterIterator only keeps files, directories, or both.
- MultiplePcreFilterIterator
- MultiplePcreFilterIterator filters files using patterns (regexps, globs or strings).
- PathFilterIterator
- PathFilterIterator filters files by path patterns (e.g. some/special/dir).
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- Extends the \RecursiveDirectoryIterator to support relative paths.
- SizeRangeFilterIterator
- SizeRangeFilterIterator filters out files that are not in the given size range.
- SortableIterator
- SortableIterator applies a sort on a given Iterator.
- VcsIgnoredFilterIterator
- SplFileInfo
- Extends \SplFileInfo to support relative paths.
- OptionsResolverIntrospector
- AccessException
- Thrown when trying to read an option outside of or write it inside of {@link \Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Options::resolve()}.
- InvalidArgumentException
- Thrown when an argument is invalid.
- InvalidOptionsException
- Thrown when the value of an option does not match its validation rules.
- MissingOptionsException
- Exception thrown when a required option is missing.
- NoConfigurationException
- Thrown when trying to introspect an option definition property for which no value was configured inside the OptionsResolver instance.
- NoSuchOptionException
- Thrown when trying to read an option that has no value set.
- OptionDefinitionException
- Thrown when two lazy options have a cyclic dependency.
- UndefinedOptionsException
- Exception thrown when an undefined option is passed.
- OptionConfigurator
- OptionsResolver
- Validates options and merges them with default values.
- Normalizer
- Attribute
- PhpToken
- UnhandledMatchError
- ValueError
- CURLStringFile
- ReturnTypeWillChange
- InvalidArgumentException
- InvalidArgumentException for the Process Component.
- LogicException
- LogicException for the Process Component.
- ProcessFailedException
- Exception for failed processes.
- ProcessSignaledException
- Exception that is thrown when a process has been signaled.
- ProcessTimedOutException
- Exception that is thrown when a process times out.
- RunProcessFailedException
- RuntimeException for the Process Component.
- RuntimeException
- RuntimeException for the Process Component.
- ExecutableFinder
- Generic executable finder.
- InputStream
- Provides a way to continuously write to the input of a Process until the InputStream is closed.
- RunProcessContext
- RunProcessMessage
- RunProcessMessageHandler
- PhpExecutableFinder
- An executable finder specifically designed for the PHP executable.
- PhpProcess
- PhpProcess runs a PHP script in an independent process.
- PhpSubprocess
- PhpSubprocess runs a PHP command as a subprocess while keeping the original php.ini settings.
- Process
- Process is a thin wrapper around proc_* functions to easily start independent PHP processes.
- ProcessUtils
- ProcessUtils is a bunch of utility methods.
- Required
- A required dependency.
- SubscribedService
- For use as the return value for {@see ServiceSubscriberInterface}.
- ServiceLocatorTest
- ServiceLocatorTestCase
- Section
- Stopwatch section.
- Stopwatch
- Stopwatch provides a way to profile code.
- StopwatchEvent
- Represents an Event managed by Stopwatch.
- StopwatchPeriod
- Represents an Period for an Event.
- AbstractString
- Represents a string of abstract characters.
- AbstractUnicodeString
- Represents a string of abstract Unicode characters.
- ByteString
- Represents a binary-safe string of bytes.
- CodePointString
- Represents a string of Unicode code points encoded as UTF-8.
- InvalidArgumentException
- RuntimeException
- EnglishInflector
- FrenchInflector
- French inflector.
- LazyString
- A string whose value is computed lazily by a callback.
- AsciiSlugger
- UnicodeString
- Represents a string of Unicode grapheme clusters encoded as UTF-8.
- Exception
- NamespaceUri
- NamespaceUriException
- Token
- TokenCollection
- TokenCollectionException
- Tokenizer
- XMLSerializer
- EcDH
- This class is the implementation of ECDH.
- PrivateKey
- This class serves as public - private key exchange for signature verification.
- PublicKey
- This class serves as public- private key exchange for signature verification
- SchnorrSignature
- Signature
- Plain Old PHP Object that stores the signature r,s for ECDSA
- Signer
- SignHasher
- CurveFactory
- NamedCurveFp
- This class is a representation of an EC over a field modulo a prime number
- NistCurve
- This class encapsulates the NIST recommended curves - fields are Mersenne primes, i.e.
- SecgCurve
- EccFactory
- Static factory class providing factory methods to work with NIST and SECG recommended curves.
- ExchangeException
- NumberTheoryException
- PointException
- PointNotOnCurveException
- PointRecoveryException
- PublicKeyException
- SignatureDecodeException
- SquareRootException
- UnsupportedCurveException
- DebugDecorator
- Debug helper class to trace all calls to math functions along with the provided params and result.
- GmpMath
- MathAdapterFactory
- ModularArithmetic
- NumberTheory
- Rewritten to take a MathAdaptor to handle different environments. Has some desireable functions for public key compression/recovery.
- CurveFp
- This class is a representation of an EC over a field modulo a prime number
- CurveParameters
- GeneratorPoint
- Curve point from which public and private keys can be derived.
- JacobianPoint
- This class incorporates work from Mdanter's ECC Primitive Point class and Paul Miller's Noble-Secp256k1 Library.
- Point
- This class is where the elliptic curve arithmetic takes place.
- DebugDecorator
- HmacRandomNumberGenerator
- RandomGeneratorFactory
- RandomNumberGenerator
- CompressedPointSerializer
- UncompressedPointSerializer
- DerPrivateKeySerializer
- PEM Private key formatter
- PemPrivateKeySerializer
- PEM Private key formatter
- Formatter
- Parser
- DerPublicKeySerializer
- PemPublicKeySerializer
- Formatter
- Parser
- DerSignatureSerializer
- CurveOidMapper
- BinaryString
- NumberSize
- EventEmitterTrait
- ListenerTrait
- WebSocket\Trait\ListenerTrait trait.
- OpcodeTrait
- WebSocket\Trait\OpcodeTrait trait.
- SendMethodsTrait
- WebSocket\Trait\SendMethodsTrait trait.
- StringableTrait
- WebSocket\Trait\StringableTrait trait.
- LoggerAwareTrait
- Basic Implementation of LoggerAwareInterface.
- LoggerTrait
- This is a simple Logger trait that classes unable to extend AbstractLogger (because they extend another class, etc) can include.
- LockableTrait
- Basic lock feature for commands.
- TesterTrait
- ServiceLocatorTrait
- A trait to help implement ServiceProviderInterface.
- ServiceMethodsSubscriberTrait
- Implementation of ServiceSubscriberInterface that determines subscribed services from methods that have the #[SubscribedService] attribute.
- ServiceSubscriberTrait
- Implementation of ServiceSubscriberInterface that determines subscribed services from methods that have the #[SubscribedService] attribute.
- MessageTypeEnum
- Enum with message types.
- AnsiColorMode
- CHARKEY_KEY = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 15, -1, 10, 17, 21, 20, 26, 30, 7, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18, 22, 31, 27, 19, -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18, 22, 31, 27, 19, -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
- CHARSET = 'qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l'
- GENERATOR = [0x3b6a57b2, 0x26508e6d, 0x1ea119fa, 0x3d4233dd, 0x2a1462b3]
- SYMFONY_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX = (((float) \PCRE_VERSION < 10) ? (float) \PCRE_VERSION >= 8.32 : ((float) \PCRE_VERSION >= 10.39)) ? '\X' : \Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Grapheme\Grapheme::GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX
- send() : mixed
- publish() : mixed
- polyMod() : int
- hrpExpand() : array<string|int, int>
- Expands the human readable part into a character array for checksumming.
- convertBits() : array<string|int, int>
- Converts words of $fromBits bits to $toBits bits in size.
- createChecksum() : array<string|int, int>
- verifyChecksum() : bool
- Verifies the checksum given $hrp and $convertedDataChars.
- encode() : string
- decodeRaw() : array<string|int, mixed>
- decode() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Validates a bech32 string and returns [$hrp, $dataChars] if the conversion was successful. An exception is thrown on invalid data.
- validateWitnessProgram() : mixed
- encodeSegwit() : string
- decodeSegwit() : array<string|int, mixed>
- deep_copy() : mixed
- Deep copies the given value.
- defineCompatibilityTokens() : void
- assertArrayHasKey() : void
- Asserts that an array has a specified key.
- assertArrayNotHasKey() : void
- Asserts that an array does not have a specified key.
- assertIsList() : void
- assertContains() : void
- Asserts that a haystack contains a needle.
- assertContainsEquals() : void
- assertNotContains() : void
- Asserts that a haystack does not contain a needle.
- assertNotContainsEquals() : void
- assertContainsOnly() : void
- Asserts that a haystack contains only values of a given type.
- assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf() : void
- Asserts that a haystack contains only instances of a given class name.
- assertNotContainsOnly() : void
- Asserts that a haystack does not contain only values of a given type.
- assertCount() : void
- Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- assertNotCount() : void
- Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
- assertEquals() : void
- Asserts that two variables are equal.
- assertEqualsCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that two variables are equal (canonicalizing).
- assertEqualsIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that two variables are equal (ignoring case).
- assertEqualsWithDelta() : void
- Asserts that two variables are equal (with delta).
- assertNotEquals() : void
- Asserts that two variables are not equal.
- assertNotEqualsCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that two variables are not equal (canonicalizing).
- assertNotEqualsIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that two variables are not equal (ignoring case).
- assertNotEqualsWithDelta() : void
- Asserts that two variables are not equal (with delta).
- assertObjectEquals() : void
- assertEmpty() : void
- Asserts that a variable is empty.
- assertNotEmpty() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not empty.
- assertGreaterThan() : void
- Asserts that a value is greater than another value.
- assertGreaterThanOrEqual() : void
- Asserts that a value is greater than or equal to another value.
- assertLessThan() : void
- Asserts that a value is smaller than another value.
- assertLessThanOrEqual() : void
- Asserts that a value is smaller than or equal to another value.
- assertFileEquals() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file.
- assertFileEqualsCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file (canonicalizing).
- assertFileEqualsIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file (ignoring case).
- assertFileNotEquals() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file.
- assertFileNotEqualsCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file (canonicalizing).
- assertFileNotEqualsIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file (ignoring case).
- assertStringEqualsFile() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file.
- assertStringEqualsFileCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
- assertStringEqualsFileIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
- assertStringNotEqualsFile() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file.
- assertStringNotEqualsFileCanonicalizing() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
- assertStringNotEqualsFileIgnoringCase() : void
- Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
- assertIsReadable() : void
- Asserts that a file/dir is readable.
- assertIsNotReadable() : void
- Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not readable.
- assertIsWritable() : void
- Asserts that a file/dir exists and is writable.
- assertIsNotWritable() : void
- Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not writable.
- assertDirectoryExists() : void
- Asserts that a directory exists.
- assertDirectoryDoesNotExist() : void
- Asserts that a directory does not exist.
- assertDirectoryIsReadable() : void
- Asserts that a directory exists and is readable.
- assertDirectoryIsNotReadable() : void
- Asserts that a directory exists and is not readable.
- assertDirectoryIsWritable() : void
- Asserts that a directory exists and is writable.
- assertDirectoryIsNotWritable() : void
- Asserts that a directory exists and is not writable.
- assertFileExists() : void
- Asserts that a file exists.
- assertFileDoesNotExist() : void
- Asserts that a file does not exist.
- assertFileIsReadable() : void
- Asserts that a file exists and is readable.
- assertFileIsNotReadable() : void
- Asserts that a file exists and is not readable.
- assertFileIsWritable() : void
- Asserts that a file exists and is writable.
- assertFileIsNotWritable() : void
- Asserts that a file exists and is not writable.
- assertTrue() : void
- Asserts that a condition is true.
- assertNotTrue() : void
- Asserts that a condition is not true.
- assertFalse() : void
- Asserts that a condition is false.
- assertNotFalse() : void
- Asserts that a condition is not false.
- assertNull() : void
- Asserts that a variable is null.
- assertNotNull() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not null.
- assertFinite() : void
- Asserts that a variable is finite.
- assertInfinite() : void
- Asserts that a variable is infinite.
- assertNan() : void
- Asserts that a variable is nan.
- assertObjectHasProperty() : void
- Asserts that an object has a specified property.
- assertObjectNotHasProperty() : void
- Asserts that an object does not have a specified property.
- assertSame() : void
- Asserts that two variables have the same type and value.
- assertNotSame() : void
- Asserts that two variables do not have the same type and value.
- assertInstanceOf() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
- assertNotInstanceOf() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
- assertIsArray() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type array.
- assertIsBool() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type bool.
- assertIsFloat() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type float.
- assertIsInt() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type int.
- assertIsNumeric() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type numeric.
- assertIsObject() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type object.
- assertIsResource() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type resource.
- assertIsClosedResource() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type resource and is closed.
- assertIsString() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type string.
- assertIsScalar() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type scalar.
- assertIsCallable() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type callable.
- assertIsIterable() : void
- Asserts that a variable is of type iterable.
- assertIsNotArray() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type array.
- assertIsNotBool() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type bool.
- assertIsNotFloat() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type float.
- assertIsNotInt() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type int.
- assertIsNotNumeric() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type numeric.
- assertIsNotObject() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type object.
- assertIsNotResource() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type resource.
- assertIsNotClosedResource() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type resource.
- assertIsNotString() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type string.
- assertIsNotScalar() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type scalar.
- assertIsNotCallable() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type callable.
- assertIsNotIterable() : void
- Asserts that a variable is not of type iterable.
- assertMatchesRegularExpression() : void
- Asserts that a string matches a given regular expression.
- assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression() : void
- Asserts that a string does not match a given regular expression.
- assertSameSize() : void
- Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is the same.
- assertNotSameSize() : void
- Assert that the size of two arrays (or `Countable` or `Traversable` objects) is not the same.
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringLineEndings() : void
- assertStringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndings() : void
- Asserts that two strings are equal except for line endings.
- assertFileMatchesFormat() : void
- Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
- assertFileMatchesFormatFile() : void
- Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
- assertStringMatchesFormat() : void
- Asserts that a string matches a given format string.
- assertStringNotMatchesFormat() : void
- Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- assertStringMatchesFormatFile() : void
- Asserts that a string matches a given format file.
- assertStringNotMatchesFormatFile() : void
- Asserts that a string does not match a given format string.
- assertStringStartsWith() : void
- Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix.
- assertStringStartsNotWith() : void
- Asserts that a string starts not with a given prefix.
- assertStringContainsString() : void
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase() : void
- assertStringNotContainsString() : void
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase() : void
- assertStringEndsWith() : void
- Asserts that a string ends with a given suffix.
- assertStringEndsNotWith() : void
- Asserts that a string ends not with a given suffix.
- assertXmlFileEqualsXmlFile() : void
- Asserts that two XML files are equal.
- assertXmlFileNotEqualsXmlFile() : void
- Asserts that two XML files are not equal.
- assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile() : void
- Asserts that two XML documents are equal.
- assertXmlStringNotEqualsXmlFile() : void
- Asserts that two XML documents are not equal.
- assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString() : void
- Asserts that two XML documents are equal.
- assertXmlStringNotEqualsXmlString() : void
- Asserts that two XML documents are not equal.
- assertThat() : void
- Evaluates a PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint matcher object.
- assertJson() : void
- Asserts that a string is a valid JSON string.
- assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString() : void
- Asserts that two given JSON encoded objects or arrays are equal.
- assertJsonStringNotEqualsJsonString() : void
- Asserts that two given JSON encoded objects or arrays are not equal.
- assertJsonStringEqualsJsonFile() : void
- Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are equal.
- assertJsonStringNotEqualsJsonFile() : void
- Asserts that the generated JSON encoded object and the content of the given file are not equal.
- assertJsonFileEqualsJsonFile() : void
- Asserts that two JSON files are equal.
- assertJsonFileNotEqualsJsonFile() : void
- Asserts that two JSON files are not equal.
- logicalAnd() : LogicalAnd
- logicalOr() : LogicalOr
- logicalNot() : LogicalNot
- logicalXor() : LogicalXor
- anything() : IsAnything
- isTrue() : IsTrue
- isFalse() : IsFalse
- isJson() : IsJson
- isNull() : IsNull
- isFinite() : IsFinite
- isInfinite() : IsInfinite
- isNan() : IsNan
- containsEqual() : TraversableContainsEqual
- containsIdentical() : TraversableContainsIdentical
- containsOnly() : TraversableContainsOnly
- containsOnlyInstancesOf() : TraversableContainsOnly
- arrayHasKey() : ArrayHasKey
- isList() : IsList
- equalTo() : IsEqual
- equalToCanonicalizing() : IsEqualCanonicalizing
- equalToIgnoringCase() : IsEqualIgnoringCase
- equalToWithDelta() : IsEqualWithDelta
- isEmpty() : IsEmpty
- isWritable() : IsWritable
- isReadable() : IsReadable
- directoryExists() : DirectoryExists
- fileExists() : FileExists
- greaterThan() : GreaterThan
- greaterThanOrEqual() : LogicalOr
- identicalTo() : IsIdentical
- isInstanceOf() : IsInstanceOf
- isType() : IsType
- lessThan() : LessThan
- lessThanOrEqual() : LogicalOr
- matchesRegularExpression() : RegularExpression
- matches() : StringMatchesFormatDescription
- stringStartsWith() : StringStartsWith
- stringContains() : StringContains
- stringEndsWith() : StringEndsWith
- stringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndings() : StringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndings
- countOf() : Count
- objectEquals() : ObjectEquals
- callback() : Callback
- any() : AnyInvokedCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed zero or more times.
- never() : InvokedCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is never executed.
- atLeast() : InvokedAtLeastCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed at least N times.
- atLeastOnce() : InvokedAtLeastOnce
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed at least once.
- once() : InvokedCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed exactly once.
- exactly() : InvokedCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed exactly $count times.
- atMost() : InvokedAtMostCount
- Returns a matcher that matches when the method is executed at most N times.
- returnValue() : ReturnStub
- returnValueMap() : ReturnValueMap
- returnArgument() : ReturnArgument
- returnCallback() : ReturnCallback
- returnSelf() : ReturnSelf
- Returns the current object.
- throwException() : Exception
- onConsecutiveCalls() : ConsecutiveCalls
- resolve() : PromiseInterface<string|int, T>
- Creates a promise for the supplied `$promiseOrValue`.
- reject() : PromiseInterface<string|int, never>
- Creates a rejected promise for the supplied `$reason`.
- all() : PromiseInterface<string|int, array<string|int, T>>
- Returns a promise that will resolve only once all the items in `$promisesOrValues` have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array containing the resolution values of each of the items in `$promisesOrValues`.
- race() : PromiseInterface<string|int, T>
- Initiates a competitive race that allows one winner. Returns a promise which is resolved in the same way the first settled promise resolves.
- any() : PromiseInterface<string|int, T>
- Returns a promise that will resolve when any one of the items in `$promisesOrValues` resolves. The resolution value of the returned promise will be the resolution value of the triggering item.
- set_rejection_handler() : callable(Throwable): void|null
- Sets the global rejection handler for unhandled promise rejections.
- test() : mixed
- test() : mixed
- testB() : mixed
- testSerialization() : mixed
- testCreate() : mixed
- testCreateSafeSingle() : mixed
- testCreateSafe() : mixed
- testSpaces() : mixed
- testOp() : mixed
- testBig() : mixed
- random_int() : mixed
- toHex() : mixed
- trigger_deprecation() : void
- Triggers a silenced deprecation notice.
- ctype_alnum() : mixed
- ctype_alpha() : mixed
- ctype_cntrl() : mixed
- ctype_digit() : mixed
- ctype_graph() : mixed
- ctype_lower() : mixed
- ctype_print() : mixed
- ctype_punct() : mixed
- ctype_space() : mixed
- ctype_upper() : mixed
- ctype_xdigit() : mixed
- ctype_alnum() : bool
- ctype_alpha() : bool
- ctype_cntrl() : bool
- ctype_digit() : bool
- ctype_graph() : bool
- ctype_lower() : bool
- ctype_print() : bool
- ctype_punct() : bool
- ctype_space() : bool
- ctype_upper() : bool
- ctype_xdigit() : bool
- grapheme_extract() : mixed
- grapheme_stripos() : mixed
- grapheme_stristr() : mixed
- grapheme_strlen() : mixed
- grapheme_strpos() : mixed
- grapheme_strripos() : mixed
- grapheme_strrpos() : mixed
- grapheme_strstr() : mixed
- grapheme_substr() : mixed
- grapheme_extract() : string|false
- grapheme_stripos() : int|false
- grapheme_stristr() : string|false
- grapheme_strlen() : int|false|null
- grapheme_strpos() : int|false
- grapheme_strripos() : int|false
- grapheme_strrpos() : int|false
- grapheme_strstr() : string|false
- grapheme_substr() : string|false
- normalizer_is_normalized() : mixed
- normalizer_normalize() : mixed
- normalizer_is_normalized() : bool
- normalizer_normalize() : string|false
- mb_convert_encoding() : mixed
- mb_decode_mimeheader() : mixed
- mb_encode_mimeheader() : mixed
- mb_decode_numericentity() : mixed
- mb_encode_numericentity() : mixed
- mb_convert_case() : mixed
- mb_internal_encoding() : mixed
- mb_language() : mixed
- mb_list_encodings() : mixed
- mb_encoding_aliases() : mixed
- mb_check_encoding() : mixed
- mb_detect_encoding() : mixed
- mb_detect_order() : mixed
- mb_parse_str() : mixed
- mb_strlen() : mixed
- mb_strpos() : mixed
- mb_strtolower() : mixed
- mb_strtoupper() : mixed
- mb_substitute_character() : mixed
- mb_substr() : mixed
- mb_stripos() : mixed
- mb_stristr() : mixed
- mb_strrchr() : mixed
- mb_strrichr() : mixed
- mb_strripos() : mixed
- mb_strrpos() : mixed
- mb_strstr() : mixed
- mb_get_info() : mixed
- mb_http_output() : mixed
- mb_strwidth() : mixed
- mb_substr_count() : mixed
- mb_output_handler() : mixed
- mb_http_input() : mixed
- mb_convert_variables() : mixed
- mb_ord() : mixed
- mb_chr() : mixed
- mb_scrub() : mixed
- mb_str_split() : mixed
- mb_str_pad() : string
- mb_ucfirst() : string
- mb_lcfirst() : string
- mb_convert_encoding() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- mb_decode_mimeheader() : string
- mb_encode_mimeheader() : string
- mb_decode_numericentity() : string
- mb_encode_numericentity() : string
- mb_convert_case() : string
- mb_internal_encoding() : string|bool
- mb_language() : string|bool
- mb_list_encodings() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_encoding_aliases() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_check_encoding() : bool
- mb_detect_encoding() : string|false
- mb_detect_order() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- mb_parse_str() : bool
- mb_strlen() : int
- mb_strpos() : int|false
- mb_strtolower() : string
- mb_strtoupper() : string
- mb_substitute_character() : string|int|bool
- mb_substr() : string
- mb_stripos() : int|false
- mb_stristr() : string|false
- mb_strrchr() : string|false
- mb_strrichr() : string|false
- mb_strripos() : int|false
- mb_strrpos() : int|false
- mb_strstr() : string|false
- mb_get_info() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|false
- mb_http_output() : string|bool
- mb_strwidth() : int
- mb_substr_count() : int
- mb_output_handler() : string
- mb_http_input() : array<string|int, mixed>|string|false
- mb_convert_variables() : string|false
- mb_ord() : int|false
- mb_chr() : string|false
- mb_scrub() : string
- mb_str_split() : array<string|int, mixed>
- mb_str_pad() : string
- mb_ucfirst() : string
- mb_lcfirst() : string
- fdiv() : float
- preg_last_error_msg() : string
- str_contains() : bool
- str_starts_with() : bool
- str_ends_with() : bool
- get_debug_type() : string
- get_resource_id() : int
- array_is_list() : bool
- enum_exists() : bool
- u() : UnicodeString
- b() : ByteString
- s() : UnicodeString|ByteString
= [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 15, -1, 10, 17, 21, 20, 26, 30, 7, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18, 22, 31, 27, 19, -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18, 22, 31, 27, 19, -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
= 'qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l'
= [0x3b6a57b2, 0x26508e6d, 0x1ea119fa, 0x3d4233dd, 0x2a1462b3]
= 0
= 0
= 1
= 1
= 2
= 2
= 1
= 1
= 2
= 2
= 0
= 0
= 64
= "bcmath"
= "bcmath"
= "bcmath"
= "gmp"
= (((float) \PCRE_VERSION < 10) ? (float) \PCRE_VERSION >= 8.32 : ((float) \PCRE_VERSION >= 10.39)) ? '\X' : \Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Grapheme\Grapheme::GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_RX
send(mixed $message) : mixed
- $message : mixed
publish(mixed $message) : mixed
- $message : mixed
polyMod(array<string|int, int> $values, int $numValues) : int
- $values : array<string|int, int>
- $numValues : int
Return values
Expands the human readable part into a character array for checksumming.
hrpExpand(string $hrp, int $hrpLen) : array<string|int, int>
- $hrp : string
- $hrpLen : int
Return values
array<string|int, int>convertBits()
Converts words of $fromBits bits to $toBits bits in size.
convertBits(array<string|int, int> $data, int $inLen, int $fromBits, int $toBits[, bool $pad = true ]) : array<string|int, int>
- $data : array<string|int, int>
- character array of data to convert
- $inLen : int
- number of elements in array
- $fromBits : int
- word (bit count) size of provided data
- $toBits : int
- requested word size (bit count)
- $pad : bool = true
- whether to pad (only when encoding)
Return values
array<string|int, int>createChecksum()
createChecksum(string $hrp, array<string|int, int> $convertedDataChars) : array<string|int, int>
- $hrp : string
- $convertedDataChars : array<string|int, int>
Return values
array<string|int, int>verifyChecksum()
Verifies the checksum given $hrp and $convertedDataChars.
verifyChecksum(string $hrp, array<string|int, int> $convertedDataChars) : bool
- $hrp : string
- $convertedDataChars : array<string|int, int>
Return values
encode(string $hrp, array<string|int, mixed> $combinedDataChars) : string
- $hrp : string
- $combinedDataChars : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
decodeRaw(string $sBech) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sBech : string
- the bech32 encoded string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —- returns [$hrp, $dataChars]
Validates a bech32 string and returns [$hrp, $dataChars] if the conversion was successful. An exception is thrown on invalid data.
decode(string $sBech) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $sBech : string
- the bech32 encoded string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —- returns [$hrp, $dataChars]
validateWitnessProgram(int $version, string $program) : mixed
- $version : int
- $program : string
encodeSegwit(string $hrp, int $version, string $program) : string
- $hrp : string
- human readable part
- $version : int
- segwit script version
- $program : string
- segwit witness program
Return values
string —- the encoded address
decodeSegwit(string $hrp, string $bech32) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $hrp : string
- human readable part
- $bech32 : string
- Bech32 string to be decoded
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —- [$version, $program]
Deep copies the given value.
deep_copy(mixed $value[, bool $useCloneMethod = false ]) : mixed
- $value : mixed
- $useCloneMethod : bool = false
defineCompatibilityTokens() : void
Asserts that an array has a specified key.
assertArrayHasKey(int|string $key, array<string|int, mixed>|ArrayAccess $array[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $key : int|string
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>|ArrayAccess
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that an array does not have a specified key.
assertArrayNotHasKey(int|string $key, array<string|int, mixed>|ArrayAccess $array[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $key : int|string
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>|ArrayAccess
- $message : string = ''
assertIsList(mixed $array[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $array : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a haystack contains a needle.
assertContains(mixed $needle, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
assertContainsEquals(mixed $needle, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a haystack does not contain a needle.
assertNotContains(mixed $needle, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
assertNotContainsEquals(mixed $needle, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $needle : mixed
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a haystack contains only values of a given type.
assertContainsOnly(string $type, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, bool|null $isNativeType = null ][, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $type : string
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $isNativeType : bool|null = null
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a haystack contains only instances of a given class name.
assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(string $className, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $className : string
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a haystack does not contain only values of a given type.
assertNotContainsOnly(string $type, iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, bool|null $isNativeType = null ][, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $type : string
- $haystack : iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $isNativeType : bool|null = null
- $message : string = ''
Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
assertCount(int $expectedCount, Countable|iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedCount : int
- $haystack : Countable|iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
Asserts the number of elements of an array, Countable or Traversable.
assertNotCount(int $expectedCount, Countable|iterable<string|int, mixed> $haystack[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedCount : int
- $haystack : Countable|iterable<string|int, mixed>
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are equal.
assertEquals(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are equal (canonicalizing).
assertEqualsCanonicalizing(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are equal (ignoring case).
assertEqualsIgnoringCase(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are equal (with delta).
assertEqualsWithDelta(mixed $expected, mixed $actual, float $delta[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $delta : float
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are not equal.
assertNotEquals(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are not equal (canonicalizing).
assertNotEqualsCanonicalizing(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are not equal (ignoring case).
assertNotEqualsIgnoringCase(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables are not equal (with delta).
assertNotEqualsWithDelta(mixed $expected, mixed $actual, float $delta[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $delta : float
- $message : string = ''
assertObjectEquals(object $expected, object $actual[, string $method = 'equals' ][, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : object
- $actual : object
- $method : string = 'equals'
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is empty.
assertEmpty(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is not empty.
assertNotEmpty(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a value is greater than another value.
assertGreaterThan(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a value is greater than or equal to another value.
assertGreaterThanOrEqual(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a value is smaller than another value.
assertLessThan(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a value is smaller than or equal to another value.
assertLessThanOrEqual(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file.
assertFileEquals(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file (canonicalizing).
assertFileEqualsCanonicalizing(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is equal to the contents of another file (ignoring case).
assertFileEqualsIgnoringCase(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file.
assertFileNotEquals(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file (canonicalizing).
assertFileNotEqualsCanonicalizing(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of one file is not equal to the contents of another file (ignoring case).
assertFileNotEqualsIgnoringCase(string $expected, string $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file.
assertStringEqualsFile(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
assertStringEqualsFileCanonicalizing(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is equal to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
assertStringEqualsFileIgnoringCase(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file.
assertStringNotEqualsFile(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file (canonicalizing).
assertStringNotEqualsFileCanonicalizing(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that the contents of a string is not equal to the contents of a file (ignoring case).
assertStringNotEqualsFileIgnoringCase(string $expectedFile, string $actualString[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expectedFile : string
- $actualString : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file/dir is readable.
assertIsReadable(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not readable.
assertIsNotReadable(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file/dir exists and is writable.
assertIsWritable(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file/dir exists and is not writable.
assertIsNotWritable(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory exists.
assertDirectoryExists(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory does not exist.
assertDirectoryDoesNotExist(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory exists and is readable.
assertDirectoryIsReadable(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory exists and is not readable.
assertDirectoryIsNotReadable(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory exists and is writable.
assertDirectoryIsWritable(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a directory exists and is not writable.
assertDirectoryIsNotWritable(string $directory[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $directory : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file exists.
assertFileExists(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file does not exist.
assertFileDoesNotExist(string $filename[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $filename : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file exists and is readable.
assertFileIsReadable(string $file[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $file : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file exists and is not readable.
assertFileIsNotReadable(string $file[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $file : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file exists and is writable.
assertFileIsWritable(string $file[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $file : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a file exists and is not writable.
assertFileIsNotWritable(string $file[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $file : string
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a condition is true.
assertTrue(mixed $condition[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $condition : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a condition is not true.
assertNotTrue(mixed $condition[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $condition : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a condition is false.
assertFalse(mixed $condition[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $condition : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a condition is not false.
assertNotFalse(mixed $condition[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $condition : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is null.
assertNull(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is not null.
assertNotNull(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is finite.
assertFinite(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is infinite.
assertInfinite(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is nan.
assertNan(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that an object has a specified property.
assertObjectHasProperty(string $propertyName, object $object[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $propertyName : string
- $object : object
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that an object does not have a specified property.
assertObjectNotHasProperty(string $propertyName, object $object[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $propertyName : string
- $object : object
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables have the same type and value.
assertSame(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
Used on objects, it asserts that two variables reference the same object.
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that two variables do not have the same type and value.
assertNotSame(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
Used on objects, it asserts that two variables do not reference the same object.
- $expected : mixed
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
assertInstanceOf(string $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is not of a given type.
assertNotInstanceOf(string $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $expected : string
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''
Asserts that a variable is of type array.
assertIsArray(mixed $actual[, string $message = '' ]) : void
- $actual : mixed
- $message : string = ''