
TcpServer extends EventEmitter
in package
implements ServerInterface


The `TcpServer` class implements the `ServerInterface` and is responsible for accepting plaintext TCP/IP connections.

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer(8080);

Whenever a client connects, it will emit a connection event with a connection instance implementing ConnectionInterface:

$server->on('connection', function (React\Socket\ConnectionInterface $connection) {
    echo 'Plaintext connection from ' . $connection->getRemoteAddress() . PHP_EOL;
    $connection->write('hello there!' . PHP_EOL);

See also the ServerInterface for more details.


Table of Contents


The `ServerInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for accepting incoming streaming connections, such as a normal TCP/IP connection.


$listeners  : mixed
$onceListeners  : mixed
$listening  : mixed
$loop  : mixed
$master  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
Creates a plaintext TCP/IP socket server and starts listening on the given address
close()  : void
Shuts down this listening socket
emit()  : mixed
getAddress()  : string|null
Returns the full address (URI) this server is currently listening on
listeners()  : array<string|int, mixed>
on()  : mixed
once()  : mixed
pause()  : void
Pauses accepting new incoming connections.
removeAllListeners()  : mixed
removeListener()  : mixed
resume()  : void
Resumes accepting new incoming connections.




Creates a plaintext TCP/IP socket server and starts listening on the given address

public __construct(string|int $uri[, LoopInterface|null $loop = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $context = array() ]) : mixed

This starts accepting new incoming connections on the given address. See also the connection event documented in the ServerInterface for more details.

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer(8080);

As above, the $uri parameter can consist of only a port, in which case the server will default to listening on the localhost address, which means it will not be reachable from outside of this system.

In order to use a random port assignment, you can use the port 0:

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer(0);
$address = $server->getAddress();

In order to change the host the socket is listening on, you can provide an IP address through the first parameter provided to the constructor, optionally preceded by the tcp:// scheme:

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer('');

If you want to listen on an IPv6 address, you MUST enclose the host in square brackets:

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer('[::1]:8080');

If the given URI is invalid, does not contain a port, any other scheme or if it contains a hostname, it will throw an InvalidArgumentException:

// throws InvalidArgumentException due to missing port
$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer('');

If the given URI appears to be valid, but listening on it fails (such as if port is already in use or port below 1024 may require root access etc.), it will throw a RuntimeException:

$first = new React\Socket\TcpServer(8080);

// throws RuntimeException because port is already in use
$second = new React\Socket\TcpServer(8080);

Note that these error conditions may vary depending on your system and/or configuration. See the exception message and code for more details about the actual error condition.

This class takes an optional LoopInterface|null $loop parameter that can be used to pass the event loop instance to use for this object. You can use a null value here in order to use the default loop. This value SHOULD NOT be given unless you're sure you want to explicitly use a given event loop instance.

Optionally, you can specify socket context options for the underlying stream socket resource like this:

$server = new React\Socket\TcpServer('[::1]:8080', null, array(
    'backlog' => 200,
    'so_reuseport' => true,
    'ipv6_v6only' => true

Note that available socket context options, their defaults and effects of changing these may vary depending on your system and/or PHP version. Passing unknown context options has no effect. The backlog context option defaults to 511 unless given explicitly.

$uri : string|int
$loop : LoopInterface|null = null
$context : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

if the listening address is invalid


if listening on this address fails (already in use etc.)


Shuts down this listening socket

public close() : void

This will stop listening for new incoming connections on this socket.

Calling this method more than once on the same instance is a NO-OP.


public emit(mixed $event[, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments = [] ]) : mixed
$event : mixed
$arguments : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Returns the full address (URI) this server is currently listening on

public getAddress() : string|null
$address = $socket->getAddress();
echo 'Server listening on ' . $address . PHP_EOL;

If the address can not be determined or is unknown at this time (such as after the socket has been closed), it MAY return a NULL value instead.

Otherwise, it will return the full address (URI) as a string value, such as tcp://, tcp://[::1]:80 or tls:// Note that individual URI components are application specific and depend on the underlying transport protocol.

If this is a TCP/IP based server and you only want the local port, you may use something like this:

$address = $socket->getAddress();
$port = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_PORT);
echo 'Server listening on port ' . $port . PHP_EOL;
Return values

the full listening address (URI) or NULL if it is unknown (not applicable to this server socket or already closed)


public listeners([mixed $event = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$event : mixed = null
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public on(mixed $event, callable $listener) : mixed
$event : mixed
$listener : callable


public once(mixed $event, callable $listener) : mixed
$event : mixed
$listener : callable


Pauses accepting new incoming connections.

public pause() : void

Removes the socket resource from the EventLoop and thus stop accepting new connections. Note that the listening socket stays active and is not closed.

This means that new incoming connections will stay pending in the operating system backlog until its configurable backlog is filled. Once the backlog is filled, the operating system may reject further incoming connections until the backlog is drained again by resuming to accept new connections.

Once the server is paused, no futher connection events SHOULD be emitted.


$socket->on('connection', assertShouldNeverCalled());

This method is advisory-only, though generally not recommended, the server MAY continue emitting connection events.

Unless otherwise noted, a successfully opened server SHOULD NOT start in paused state.

You can continue processing events by calling resume() again.

Note that both methods can be called any number of times, in particular calling pause() more than once SHOULD NOT have any effect. Similarly, calling this after close() is a NO-OP.


public removeAllListeners([mixed $event = null ]) : mixed
$event : mixed = null


public removeListener(mixed $event, callable $listener) : mixed
$event : mixed
$listener : callable


Resumes accepting new incoming connections.

public resume() : void

Re-attach the socket resource to the EventLoop after a previous pause().


Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () use ($socket) {

Note that both methods can be called any number of times, in particular calling resume() without a prior pause() SHOULD NOT have any effect. Similarly, calling this after close() is a NO-OP.

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