
in package
implements ConnectorInterface

Decorates an existing Connector to always use a fixed, preconfigured URI

This can be useful for consumers that do not support certain URIs, such as when you want to explicitly connect to a Unix domain socket (UDS) path instead of connecting to a default address assumed by an higher-level API:

$connector = new React\Socket\FixedUriConnector(
    new React\Socket\UnixConnector()

// destination will be ignored, actually connects to Unix domain socket
$promise = $connector->connect('localhost:80');

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The `ConnectorInterface` is responsible for providing an interface for establishing streaming connections, such as a normal TCP/IP connection.


$connector  : mixed
$uri  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
connect()  : PromiseInterface<string|int, ConnectionInterface>
Creates a streaming connection to the given remote address




Creates a streaming connection to the given remote address

public connect(mixed $_) : PromiseInterface<string|int, ConnectionInterface>

If returns a Promise which either fulfills with a stream implementing ConnectionInterface on success or rejects with an Exception if the connection is not successful.

    function (React\Socket\ConnectionInterface $connection) {
        // connection successfully established
    function (Exception $error) {
        // failed to connect due to $error

The returned Promise MUST be implemented in such a way that it can be cancelled when it is still pending. Cancelling a pending promise MUST reject its value with an Exception. It SHOULD clean up any underlying resources and references as applicable.

$promise = $connector->connect($uri);

$_ : mixed
Return values
PromiseInterface<string|int, ConnectionInterface>

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